Massage therapy is a key element of physiotherapy which focusing on treating soft tissue problems, typically arising from stress, injury or illness.
We provide two levels of massage therapy: Remedial and Sports Massage.
Remedial massage techniques focus on the treatment of problems, using a range of manual techniques which work to achieve muscle relaxation, pain relief and improvements in circulation; all targeted to accelerating the healing process, enabling a faster return to activity.
Sports massage is a more intense form of massage, getting right to those soft tissue areas which take the brunt of the stresses of physical activity. It works on the results of over-exertion and overuse, helping you to maintain performance and achievement by preventing these everyday activity stresses developing into longer term injuries.
For the really serious athlete, our programmes can also provide a maintenance package, working on specific muscle groups to maximise performance effectiveness in addition to relieving stress and tension.
And you don’t have to be a sports person to benefit from sports massage. We treat many individuals with, for example, physically demanding jobs or postural problems where this more intense treatment can deliver real benefit