Whalley Physiotherapy

Back Pain Tips

8 out of 10 of us suffer occasional low back pain. If you experience this problem there are some helpful measures that you can take.
Elderly woman having back pain while cleaning

1. Sit sensibly

Be wary of soft sofas. Your chair should support the natural curve of you back and have a firm base. Using a firm cushion in the small of the back will help.

Never slump!
Neck & Back pain

2. If your back is very painful, lie down flat for half an hour. This will take pressure off the low back. It may help to put a couple of pillows under your knees.

3. Straighten up. Keep your back straight when doing housework or gardening.
Back pain man

4. Keep moving. Don’t sit for long periods – get up and walk around. Gentle exercise is a great way to release endorphins which are the body’s natural painkillers.
walking dogs in rain

5. Pop a painkiller. Paracetamol is the safest bet – unless it is contradicted for you. Check with your pharmacist if in doubt. Remember that painkillers will mask the pain and warning signs so make sure you take it easy.


If your problem does not resolve in a couple of days you probably need more help and we can promise that at Whalley Physiotherapy.
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