Whalley Physiotherapy

Blog archive: Apr 2015

  • You never forget how to ride a bike… or do you?

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    4Just been chatting with the boss and I appear to have gained a new challenge!!! ‪#‎whalleyphysio15‬
    Jane has challenged me (Becca – Practice Manager) who hasn’t ridden a bike since I was 11 years old to complete the Guild Wheel Cycle. This is a 21 mile cycle, please send me your top tips……

    Whalley Physio Birthday celebration challenges #whalleyphysio15
    1. Major Series – Jane, Becca, Lindsey, Sean, Cathy, Laura, Helen and Nick – DONE 
    2. Manchester Marathon – Sarah – DONE (Amazing!!!) 
    3. 15 Summits – Anne 4/15 – Doing really well!
    4. Guild Wheel Bike Ride – Need to start training now!
    5. CLIENT CHALLENGES – Couch to Marathon Challenge – Charlotte
    – Skipton Triathlon – Lesley
    Please let us know if you have any of your own challenges lined up.

  • London Marathon Challenge

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    Jane has just provided one of our client’s Charlotte Green with her pre London marathon sports massage. Inspirational Charlotte had never run prior to October last year but with a sensible approach and a strong training plan coupled advise, education and a sports massage or two she has clearly completed the “Couch to Marathon” as part of the #Whalleyphysio15 challenge. Charlotte is running for the charity Child Action North West and we’ll be cheering her on through our TV screens on Sunday! Have you got a challenge this year? Come and talk to us about it and we’ll see if we can help, be it advice, physiotherapy treatment, exercises, or a sports massage from a trained professional!

  • April Challenge Update

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    Its a busy month here at Whalley Physiotherapy. Many of you know Sarah Shuttleworth who works on Thursday night and Saturday mornings has been in training for the Manchester Marathon! Here’s what she has had to say about her #Whalleyphysio15 challenge:

    “I have been training hard as I am aiming to complete my first marathon on Sunday 19th April. I have been intensively training since January through all kinds of weather (rain, wind, freezing temperatures and even some snow) all over the Ribble Valley.
    As with many marathon trainees, I have suffered a couple of injuries along the way making the challenge even more difficult. First it was a metatarsal problem requiring physio treatment and enforced rest for 3 weeks. Secondly I had a patellofemoral problem, again I needed treatment, excercises and taping to get me race ready.
    Now with only a few days to go my friend and I are getting very nervous and excited for the 26.2 mile course in Manchester. My friend Sophie Brooks and I are running for a fantastic cause, the Cancer Research UK charity.”

    If anyone would like to sponsor our lovely Sarah it would be gratefully recieved and really spur her on.
    The link is